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How to Hate Christmas Less (and maybe even enjoy it?)

"...And they will call him Immanuel (which means 'God with us')"  Matthew 1v23 So we know why we hate Christmas - chasing the Christmas Unicorns and pretending to enjoy the ride. But how to we stop it? The obvious answer is "Focus more on Jesus" and that's right but also makes me want to strangle the person saying it with the fairy lights I'm still trying to untangle. How can we focus on Jesus more? Cos if the answer involves doing another thing this Christmas then someone's going to be mistling some toes. Thankfully, I think the answer is this... Do Less. I can hear you laughing but before you come and beat me over the head with a turkey hear me out. Firstly... Let's remember what the point is. Christmas is when we celebrate the long awaited arrival of the Saviour of the world. God's plan for humanity finally beginning it's end game. The call for His children to come home. When we look into the manger there's no home made pavlova...

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